Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
“The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion... economic or social condition.”-WHO

Knowledge tags
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Global Health
Public Health
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Under 5 Mortality
Maternal Mortality
Health Technology
Sexual Rights
Mental Health
Civil Society Initiatives
Global Development
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Giving feedback
Taking Action
Multiple Choice Quiz
Course Description
Battling the flu, chicken pox or going through chemotherapy- perhaps these are some things that come to mind when you think of the opposite of good health and well-being. BUT, health covers more than you think. WHO describes health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Discover what a real “healthy lifestyle” is all about and how YOU can make a difference in other people’s lives who are on the path to achieving Goal#3.

Unit 1 What is good health?
Goal #3 promotes all aspects of health, and this unit focus on physical and sexual health (the next unit is on mental health). You’re in good physical health when you: -have bodily functions are that work at peak performance -do not have a disease or illness -can get treatment when you need it -stay active and exercise -have a balanced nutrition and sleep well You’re in good sexual health when you have: -a positive and respectful approach to sexuality -pleasurable sexual experiences -safe sexual experiences - experiences free of coercion, discrimination and violence CASE STUDY Developing health apps for smartphones is a cheap and effective way to improve access to information and education on health issues. "The Safe Delivery App" by the Danish NGO Maternity Foundation. Start by watching the two exclusive videos by CEO Anna Frellsen! The materials section is filled with incredible resources to learn more about the different targets that make up Goal #3. You don’t have to go through them ALL, but dive into the ones you’re most interested in!
Unit 2 Speak out for mental health and well-being.
Mental health is not only the absence of depression, anxiety, or another disorder. Having good mental health and well-being means you can: -enjoy life -bounce back after difficult experiences -achieve balance -adapt to adversity -feel safe and secure -achieve your potential We want you to SEE and UNDERSTAND what living with mental health is about, and it can take many forms. In the materials section, there are many examples of how different people of all ages experience mental health, as well as articles on how to help yourself or someone who may be struggling.
Unit 3 What can YOU do?
We are all at risk of falling into situations of illnesses, accidents, or disability that can cause us to lose our job and income if there is not a social safety net to fall back on. Health is also about preventing the use of substances, improving the conditions of life such as air, land, water quality and infrastructure, and increasing funding for research Join a global movement by acting locally- there are so many things you can do with your own health and well-being and those closest to you. Dive into the materials and experiences for inspiration!