Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger
The world is suffering from the real hunger games.

Knowledge tags
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Human Rights
Food Security
Zero Hunger
Sustainable Development
Agricultural Development
Sustainable Food
Empowerment Strategies
Exercise tags
Mind Mapping
Multiple Choice Quiz
Taking Action
Giving feedback
Course Description
A midnight snack. Extra whipped cream on your caramel Frappuchino. Would you like a side of fries? Of course. Want to pay extra for guacamole? Yes, please. For some people, experiencing hunger is the weird feeling you get after skipping a meal or forgetting to eat breakfast. For others, it is the horrible reality you have to live through every single day. Goal #2 aims to end hunger all around the world, tackling issues like malnutrition (when you don’t have enough to eat) and agricultural productivity (helping farmers). With stories from young people around the world, we are here to help you understand and act on this extremely important goal! Yes, you should care. Yes, you can do something about it.

Unit 1 It’s not being #Hangry
Start by heading over to the 4-minute featured video at the bottom of the unit called “Venezuela crisis: Where families buy rotten meat to eat”. We want you to SEE and UNDERSTAND how hunger is a problem that affects every part of society. Hunger is more complicated that you have imagined, and this example shows exactly that. As you watch the video ask yourself: -Why are families buying rotten meat? -What is the condition of the food markets? -How are the governments’ resources being used and misused?
Unit 2 Why should you care?
“The right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food, consistent with the right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger” - World Food Summit, 1996 For this unit, you can choose which path to focus on regarding Goal 2, here are some of our tips: Browse through the materials section and focus on what interests you the most. Is it how technology is helping farmers, the #zerohungerchallenge, or how kids respond to child hunger? The most important thing is to watch and understand the video “The paradox of hunger in the world”. (A paradox is something that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth)
Unit 3 What can YOU do?
You can start today in the fight against hunger everywhere, here are some things we advise and you can head over to the materials section for more! 1- Raise awareness! Watch Venezuelan Youtuber LeLe Pons talk about the crisis in her home country 2- Dare to see a slideshow of bug, jellyfish and rat meals of the future? Head over to the “Conservation Cuisine” article 3. Cook and eat seasonally! Check out the buzzfeed article for a list of meals to eat in the Fall (they also have lists for every month!) Start with your own home. Move out to your community. Join a global movement.